New York Cabling Contractors is a Authorized Dealer

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New York Cabling Contractor- New York Cabling Contractors- New York Data cable installation-Network Services- Data Cabling Contractor-Telephone Systems-Structured Cabling Systems- Structured Cabling Contractor- Cable Removal Services- Cable Testing- Fiber Optic Installations- Cabling

Contractor-Network Integration- Structured Cabling

 Thank you visiting New York Cabling Contractors
New York Cabling Contractors is a division of ATEK Communications our parent company which has been in business since 1984. We have been leaders in data communications, structured cabling telephone systems, security systems, FTTH Fiber To The Home along with fiber optic design build services over 25 years.
New York Cabling Contractors has been built to offer you and your organization our specialty project design capabilities, design-build at competitive rates along with structured cabling , fiber optic and data communications national roll out services through this website. We specialize in national data communications roll outs and can work with your franchise, government, IT or Fortune 2500 company on tailoring your specific requirements with our RCDD certified project managers. We also welcome FTTH developers for Triple Play , financial industries, health providers, or anyone requiring inside or outdoor telecommunications voice , data, video or security work.

We also provide local, regional or national subcontractor service for general contractors to carriers, IT Integrators, VARs and data centers.

We have extremely competitive rates and our workmanship is always guaranteed. Our mission is to provide you the best work at the most competitive rates in your area.
We are open 7 am- 8pm eastern and have live customer service representatives who will take your call and hand off your request off to the nearest project manager. We will meet or beat any local certified organization.
If you have any questions, please call us at (855) 836-3282) and ask to speak to one of our project managers for your area. We look forward to be of service to you and your organization. Otherwise please click on the button to send us an email request.

  South Dakota Data Contractor- South Dakota Fiber Cable Installation- South Carolin aCabling Contractor,South Dakota Cable Removal Services- South Dakota New York Data cable installation-South Dakota Cabling Contractor-South DakotaStructured Cabling Contractors-South Dakota Cabling Contractor- South Dakota Structured Cabling Contractors

Contractor-Network Integration- Cabling Contractors


  • National Data Contractors- National Roll Outs- Toll Free (855) 836-DATA (650-3282)
  • Northern California (925) 944-0777
  • Atlanta, Georgia (404) 419-7208
  • Boston, Massachusetts (617) 648-0277
  • Chicago Illinois (312)962-4710
  • Houston, Texas (713) 493-0590
  • Los Angeles, California (213) 455-0578 or (619) 573-4164
  • New York, Tri- State Area- Long Island (718) 989-9809
  • Phoenix, AZ (480) 422-6264
  • San Diego-California (619)573-4164
  • Tampa Florida (727) 547-2200
  • Now Serving Virginia- Washington DC- MD- Delaware (202) 658-7720
  • National Fax: (360) 234-7396
  • New York Cabling Contractors Offers Exceptional Certified Service in ALL Areas of the USA

New Atlanta Location Serving The Southeast- Ask About Our Biometric Security Systems (866) 650-3282 or (727) 547-2200

 New York Cabling Contractors , an established performance based national data contractor and national data integrator is one of the most experienced design-build structured cabling contractors in the USA along with being on of the most experienced phone system providers and data cabling contractors in the United States offering a multitude of data  communications services from design-build structured cabling infrastructure, LAN WAN integration, long haul fiber optic cable  installation to IT support and service.New York Cabling Contractors with offices throughout the US offers competitive regional and local data cabling rates allows us to tailor cabling and installtion rates to meet your needs.New York Cabling Contractors has several manufacturer data contractor certifications offer you and your company "end to end" solutions for several manufacturers. Call for details at (866) 909-ATEK.

,New York Cabling Contractors is also an  IT managed services provider, network integrator and interconnect company that provides structured data cabling contractor  installations, fiber optic cable installations, smart home installations, cable testing, telephone systems and Cisco CCIE network  installations and services. Since 2000, New York Cabling Contractors has WIFI, and wireless backhaul solutions for the commercial and municipality market. Call us today at (866) 909- New York Cabling Contractors for information how we can transform your workspace or community to a revenue producing and technology "friendly" environment.

We have certified RCDD designers, Certified Network Specialists, and BICSI Technicians on staff to work as team to bring the  latest structured cabling standards (EIA/TIA 568A/A) and fiber optic cabling technologies to our customers. We also are a  licensed contractor in California with a C-10 electrical contractor's license which can also offer C-10 Electrical work in both  commercial and residential projects. Whether you are a design-build for a new data center, a new LAN/WAN network for a  college campus or a real estate developer looking for the latest in Smart Home Technology to offer their new homeowners the  latest in telecommunications services, you can be assured that New York Cabling Contractors can handle all the details on time and on  budget. New York Cabling Contractors now has a FTTH (FTTH)design- build division to assist developers, cities and counties to achieve Triple -Play  FTTH payback for their fiber deployment in as little as 3 years.

New York Cabling Contractors has now opened a new National IT Integration task force to address the latest issues and newest technologies addressing network security, managed services, virtualization,SANS, IT security. SIP Trucking, T-1's, MPLS and more. Please call us for more details at (866) 650-3282.

National Rollouts-National Franchise Rollouts-National Chains-National Fiber Optic Cabling Services-National Data Cabling Services

New York Cabling Contractors provides design- build, installation , and certifications of copper, coax, wireless, optical or point to point laser communications (space optics), structured cabling and fiber optic cabling systems in central offices, POP sites, commercial, and residential sites. We also offer builders and developers a system to build ongoing revenue by installing "Smart Home" cabling into all new homes insuring the homeowner that his new home investment is technologicaly secure and will not become obsolete for a minimum of 25 years. The Smart Home certified cables we install are made of CAT 5e or CAT 6, coax Cable, and multimode fiber optic cable. All installations are covered by a five year warranty minimum and qualifying systems are covered for up to 25 years. Cable certification testing is performed using state-of-the-art test equipment.

New York Cabling Contractors Will Work With You And Your Budget To Deliver The Most Cost Effective Services- From National Fiber Optic Delpoyments & National Chain Network Rollouts To Small Local Projects Entailing Single Small Cable Runs-We will quote you no matter how big nor small your requirements may be.

We Now Service All of the 50 States- Call Us For More Information


New York Cabling Contractors provides design- build, installation , project management and certifications of copper, coax, wireless, optical or point to point laser communications (space optics), structured cabling and fiber optic cabling systems in central offices, POP sites, commercial, and residential sites. We also offer builders and developers a system to build ongoing revenue by installing FTTH design- Engineering and "Smart Home" cabling into all new homes insuring the homeowner that his new home investment is technologically secure and will not become obsolete for a minimum of 25 years. The Smart Home certified cables we install are made of CAT 5e or CAT 6, coax Cable, and multimode fiber optic cable. All installations are covered by a five year warranty minimum and qualifying systems are covered for up to 25 years. Cable certification testing is performed using state-of-the-art test equipment

Toll Free or East Coast (855) 836-DATA West Coast (866) 342-3721

  • Northern California (925) 944-0777
  • Atlanta, Georgia (404) 419-7208
  • Boston, Massachusetts (617) 648-0277
  • Chicago Illinois (312)962-4710
  • Houston, Texas (713) 493-0590
  • Los Angeles, California (213) 455-0578 or (619) 573-4164
  • New York, New York (718) 989-9809 or (866) 650-3282
  • San Diego-California (619)573-4164
  • Tampa Florida (727) 547-2200
  • Phoenix, Arizona (480) 422-6264
  • Las Vegas, Nevada (866) 650-3282
New York Cabling Contractors , a national data contractor and national data integrator is one of the most experienced data cabling contractors in the United States offering a multitude of data communications services from design-build structured cabling infrastructure to long haul fiber optic cable installation to IT sales, support and service.New York Cabling Contractors is also a Leviton certified data contractor, IT service provider, network integrator and interconnect company that provides structured data cabling contractor installations, fiber optic cable installations, smart home installations, cable testing, telephone systems and Cisco CCIE network installations and services. Our certified RCDD, Certified Network Specialist and BICSI Technicians work as team to bring the latest structured cabling standards (EIA/TIA 568A/A) and fiber optic cabling technologies to our customers. We also are a licensed contractor in California with a C-10 electrical contractor's license which can also offer C-10 Electrical work in both commercial and residential projects. Whether you are a design-build for a new data center, a new LAN/WAN network for a college campus or a real estate developer looking for the latest in Smart Home Technology to offer their new homeowners the latest in telecommunications services, you can be assured thatNew York Cabling Contractors can handle all the details on-me and on budget.

New York Cabling Contractors has a separate wireless division to design- build-install and certify custom wireless, WIFI- wireless backhaul optical or point to point laser network.If you are a city, town, resort, or any governmental entity- call us and our engineers will assist you in designing a network that will provide you the proper speed, bandwidth and capability on- time and within budget.

We offer a complete array of wireless-WIFI Product Solutions-we will design-build your wireless networkNew York Cabling Contractors is a valuable Business Partner for anyone who's uses Voice or Data Services in their daily operations.

National Roll-Outs-Last Minute Remote Office Situations:

An example: You get an email from your Corporate Offices late Friday afternoon. The email asks if you have ordered a 5 telephone lines, a fax line and a modem line, for the New Executive Vice President, who will be starting on the following week. This is all news to you....And you have no idea what to do or who to call! This is where New York Cabling Contractors comes in. New York Cabling Contractors can manage this entire process for you-promptly, efficiently and in a cost effective manner. In this situation-this is whatNew York Cabling Contractors will provide you:

  • New York Cabling Contractors will work with your IT department and your local office to coordinate installation of the phone lines and equipment & insuring a service technician arrive prior to start of business on Monday.
  • New York Cabling Contractors Will Coordinate all network requirements-from cabling to ordering circuits, DSL and phone lines from the carrier for you
  • New York Cabling Contractors will arrange to run the wire to connect to the MPOE or circuit at you location/facilities then we will do the same for the Modem, DSL, T-1 or other data links.
  • New York Cabling Contractors will test, monitor and certify that everything is fully operational
  • New York Cabling Contractors can also arrange to coordinate all cut over-installations with the carrier of your choice
  • New York Cabling Contractors can provide complete IT services and personnel from the physical OSI layer 1- to OSI 7- application layer- by providing project management, computer LAN/WAN integration, and application software development personnel on a full-time or part-time basis. Outsourcing your IT requirements relieves your company of many long term expenses. Let us manage all your IT challenges.
  • New York Cabling Contractors can provide all materials for your job be shipped right to your door



    Taking another example and apply it to a 500 Store Retail Chain that needs a T-1,Telephone, IT or Voicemail System installed-or a temporary Corporate Office Location with 300 Branches that need new T-1 Data Circuits-installed. Let us take care of your communication needs as New York Cabling Contractors can provide you with multiple customers in several areas all at the same time. Or are you a multi-site regional, national or international retailer looking for justification for your upcoming technology upgrade? Learn how to make the most of your conversion from dial access to DSL, frame relay or VSAT for each of your stores. Here are the financial blueprints you can take to the CFO. Excerpt: There are a variety of reasons that a retailer may want to convert from dial-up. Some include a reduction in long distance charges, improvement in reliability, a decrease in credit card authorization time and elimination of expensive local telephone lines in each store. Or putting in a real time VPZN- virtual private network whereby each of your stores have real time access to current data. Or putting in a VOIP phone system solution to drastically cut your long distance phone charges.Cost justification is a matter of systematically evaluating the overall business and identifying elements of that operation that can be improved through the conversion.

    Call us today at (866) 650-3282 to schedule a time where you can meet with one of our qualified system engineers.


    New York Cabling Contractors-Your 21st Century Data Contractor



    CALL US NOW For A Complimentary Quote

    Tollfree (855) 836-DATA

    We can provide complete end to end design-build communication solutions from the central office-VOIP-Fiber Optics-DSL-to the desktop-

    Ask About our Smart Home & Fiber To The Home Services


    Structured Cabling

    Telephone System Installations

    New York Cabling Contractors Communications can install and maintain any type of telephone system, including Ayava, Toshiba, Nortel, Fujitsu, TIE-Nitsuko Norstar,NEC, Intertel Partner, Merlin, Magix and Definity, and more.We have a very fast turn around time thanks to our expert managers that oversee every Telephone System installation. It can be for your home and your office or just about anywhere you need it. We also offer Service Contracts to maintain your system for you, that way you never have to worry if something goes wrong. Just give us a call and we will have your communication equipment installed as soon as possible.

    LAN/WAN Systems - DSLAM-DSL Router Equipment Installation

    ~ New York Cabling Contractors Is Your 21st Century Systems Integrator ~

    New York Cabling Contractors Communications, a national data contractor and national data integrator has been serving national accounts throughout the United States from our offices located in California, Nevada and Florida with a variety of telecommunications services since 1998. As a structured cabling contractor with complete design build services and as a - systems integrator we also offer certified Cisco CCIE technicians and value added certified partners of several major manufacturers of data communications solutions.New York Cabling Contractors can offer you the highest quality of services at extremely competitive rates.

    We also provide Cisco CCIE services from coast to coast.

    Our Technical Expertise has provided our customers on both coasts with state of the art solutions for corporations, residential smart home builders-homeowners,commercial builders, developers, utilities, CLEC's ILEC's, and RBOC phone companies.

    New York Cabling Contractors's fiber optic cabling system designs are reviewed and installations quality checked by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). This is a professional designation of the Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI)

    . Fiber Connector Cleaning and Fiber Termination Services

    AT New York Cabling Contractors we ensure that the fiber optic cabling system design, components, and workmanship comply with the standards and practices of BICSI. These standards and practices are elaborated in the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, the EIA/TIA Telecommunications Building Wiring Standard, The National Fire Protection Assn., and the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70).

    Our fiber optic certifications, extensive experience on fiber optics installation, and knowledge of fiber optic technologies and standards are key factors in our successful delivery of fiber network solutions. leading fiber optic suppliers. Together we can deliver the solution that best meets your application needs, now and long term.

    Our services include:

    • Design and Installation of Fiber Optic Cabling
    • Fiber Optic Termination
    • Light Interconnection Units and Fiber Shelves
    • Testing and Certifications
    • Fiber Tray and Raceway
    • Fiber Innerduct
    • Wall-mount and Freestanding Cabinets and Racks
    • Fiber Optic Fusion and Mechanical Splicing

    Our certified RCDDs a nd LAN/WAN Specialists work closely with contractors and end users to deliver the latest cabling technologies that best suit the needed applications.

    All fiber optic cabling system designs are reviewed and installations quality checked by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). This is a professional designation of the Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI).

    On & Offsite Service

    New York Cabling Contractors service comes with a guarantee of quality and a commitment to support. Because we feel so strongly about professionally serving our clients, we offer on and offsite services designed to meet your needs:

    Onsite-Project Management-IT Services-Installations

    • New York Cabling Contractors has Available- 24-hour, 7-day a week dispatching by field-trained support staff
    • New York Cabling Contractors Professional and helpful technicians who arrive on time and in uniform
    • New York Cabling Contractors Provides Customized software available that allows you to monitor and document progress in real-time and at your convenience
    • New York Cabling Contractors will provide Short- or long-term onsite IT Services and project management-that frees up your staff

    Offsite-Project Management-IT Services-Installations

    • New York Cabling Contractors has available 24-hour, 7-day a week dispatching by field-trained support staff
    • New York Cabling Contractors's Help Desk services available- 24/7 services available
    • New York Cabling Contractors's Level I support for immediate solutions on a remote basis
    • New York Cabling Contractors's Level II support includes remote solutions and dispatched technicians
    • New York Cabling Contractors'sLevel III support with a technician dispatched to your location
    • New York Cabling Contractors's Level IV support with supervisory-management responsibilities

    We ensure that the fiber optic cabling system design, components, and workmanship comply with the standards and practices of BICSI. These standards and practices are elaborated in the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, the EIA/TIA Telecommunications Building Wiring Standard, The National Fire Protection Assn., and the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70).

    Tampa Bay Cabling & Network Installation Services

    California Offices Northern CA (925) 944-0777

    California Offices Southern CA (213) 455-0578 or (619) 573-4164

    Tampa - St. Pete - Clearwater, Florida Offices (855) 836-3282 or (855) 836-DATA

Fiber Optic Testing Equipment

New York Cabling Contractors also offers fiber optic testing. New York Cabling Contractors can assist your organization whether you need central office testing or outside plant singlemode splicing. For example, there are two methods to measure test loss, single-ended loss and double-ended loss. Single-ended loss works by using only the launch cable while the double-ended loss works by using a received cable attached to the meter also. All are technicians are certified by the manufacturers we represent to perform the tests.

New York Cabling Contractors has BICSI certified installers fully versed in fiber optic distribution designs and installations for a wide range of fiber optic network applications. We can help you integrate data and telecommunication networks over fiber effectively .

Our certified RCDD, Certified Network Specialist and BICSI Technicians work as team to bring the latest fiber optic technologies to our customers. We provide design, installation , and certifications of fiber optic cabling systems in central offices, POP sites, commercial, and residential sites.

New York Cabling Contractors Communications, a system integrator with offices in California and Florida are part of a nationwide team of network integration and system integration personnel that can be mobilized anytime, anywhere in the US. New York Cabling Contractors specializes in all areas of Network Integration from the central office to the desktop. We can offer you design or design- build services at affordable rates. Our network integration specialists are backed by seasoned teams of administrators, project managers, and technicians who are equipped to handle virtually any network installation project. We can provide your company with complete OSI level 1-7 services including structured cabling services to DSL, wireless, VOIP , and installation of firewalls.Our established relationships with leading vendors also assure the best possible service and quality equipment is provided to our customers.All CAT 5e and CAT 6 & fiber optic cabling system designs are reviewed by our project managers and quality control engineers and installations quality checked by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD).

Our certified RCDDs and LAN/WAN Specialists work closely with contractors and end users to deliver the latest cabling technologies that best suit the needed applications.

All fiber optic cabling system designs are reviewed and installations quality checked by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). This is a professional designation of the Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI).


We ensure that the fiber optic cabling system design, components, and workmanship comply with the standards and practices of BICSI. These standards and practices are elaborated in the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, the EIA/TIA Telecommunications Building Wiring Standard, The National Fire Protection Assn., and the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70). Our fiber optic certifications, extensive experience on fiber optics installation, and knowledge of fiber optic technologies and standards are key factors in our successful delivery of fiber network solutions. leading fiber optic suppliers. Together we can deliver the solution that best meets your application needs, now and long term.Our services include:
  • Design and Installation of Fiber Optic Cabling
  • Fiber Optic Termination
  • Light Interconnection Units and Fiber Shelves
  • Testing and Certifications
  • Fiber Tray and Raceway
  • Fiber Innerduct
  • Wall-mount and Freestanding Cabinets and Racks
  • Fiber Optic Fusion and Mechanical Splicing
Our certified RCDDs a nd LAN/WAN Specialists work closely with contractors and end users to deliver the latest cabling technologies that best suit the needed applications All fiber optic cabling system designs are reviewed and installations quality checked by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). This is a professional designation of the Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI).

We ensure that the fiber optic cabling system design, components, and workmanship comply with the standards and practices of BICSI. These standards and practices are elaborated in the Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual, the EIA/TIA Telecommunications Building Wiring Standard, The National Fire Protection Assn., and the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70).


Our fiber optic cabling installations are supported by extended warranties which guarantees both end to end performance and application assurance for you. Our technicians are certified on every product installation that we design and are well trained on the industry structured cabling standard.

The specific standards of the EIA/TIA Building Telecommunications Wiring Standards are:

    · EIA/TIA-568A (Commercial Building Telecommunications Wiring Standard)
    · EIA/TIA-569 (Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces)
    · EIA/TIA-570 (Residential and Light Commercial Telecommunications Wiring Standard)
    · EIA/TIA-606 (Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings)
    · EIA/TIA-607 (Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications)
    · EIA/TIA-TSB-67 (Transmission Performance Specifications for Field Testing of UTP Cabling Systems)

Fiber Optic- OSP-Underground Installations
New York Cabling Contractors's data contracting services can provide complete design build services for data centers, commercial buildings, utility and the residential "Smart Home" market. New York Cabling Contractors has a wide range of services includes professional fiber optic installation, structured cabling, network design and installation, data center/CO-location services, IT contract services, underground services including directional boring, telephone systems, and residential Smart Home Cabling, security, and technology.

New York Cabling ContractorsCommunications is a certified Leviton partner of cabling services for the residential and commercial markets where we can offer extended cabling warranties.

New York Cabling ContractorsCommunications can provide you with IP (voice/data over the Internet), video systems, network security including software and firewalls.

New York Cabling Contractors Communications is an agent for local phone and long distance services that can offer you competitive services through our partner companies.




• SPEED: Fiber optic networks operate at high speeds - up into the gigabits
• BANDWIDTH: large carrying capacity
• DISTANCE: Signals can be transmitted further without needing to be "refreshed" or strengthened.
• RESISTANCE: Greater resistance to electromagnetic noise such as radios, motors or other nearby cables.
• MAINTENANCE: Fiber optic cables costs much less to maintain.

Before you consider any technology from wireless, to DSL, T-1, or fiber optics, let New York Cabling Contractors’s technical staff plan out the best and most cost effective solution to maximize your budget. Remember, your best performance or throughput is based on the “weakest link” of your network. Let us help you build a system that future proofs your network and maximizes performance from end to end.

New York Cabling Contractorsis a full service provider of structured cabling services, telecommunications infrastructure, security, and networking solutions for both commercial and residential applications.

"We are one of the leading companies offering the latest in the design and installation of Smart Home Technology systems"

Smart Home
Technologies includes an array of Internet and data ready “plug and play” cabling in the residential home. Just one cable connects your telephone, Internet, security, entertainment, computers, Smart Appliances, and more.

If you are a Building Contractor, call us today to find out how you can participate in this exciting and rewarding field.New York Cabling Contractors has offices located of both the east and west coasts.

Call us today for a no cost, no obligation quote for our services. You may fax or email your requests for additional information on our services.

Walnut Creek Business List

©2012 New York Cabling Contractors, Inc. all rights reserved.